Today as I was studying, I was led to the idea of what the word “Image” means. Google states that image is- “the general impression that a person, organization, or product presents to the public.” With this said, we can agree that the world typically defines the word image by other various attributes such as; how a person dresses, how they look, how they behave, how they communicate and so on. So knowing this, does any of these characteristics shape the way we want to be perceived? Most people would say yes and want to be someone who is recognized as valued, treasured, heard and respected and who looks a certain way. When they think about what a positive self-image looks like, words like happy, healthy, intelligent, attractive, and financially successful comes to mind. But sometimes, these words do not always match the behavior or heart of those who generally desire such words. Instead, the self-image that is created in their mind can actually be polar opposite. These words allow negative thoughts to take root and trick the mind into thinking they are not worthy of anything good. Therefore, the idea can also permit minds to focus on derogatory words that influence the image. These words may include: unattractive, unsuccessful, unhappy and unintelligent. By intentionally refraining from such talk, and making a positive shift in thinking, people can make a difference in how they see themselves as well as how others see them. But let me encourage you my friends- this is not the lens of how God sees His people. He sees his children as chosen, loved, royalty, holy, redeemed, adopted and set-apart (1Peter 2:9). He wants followers to emulate his character and take on the same image while passing along His traits to others. Furthermore, He wants His people to follow his lead by giving others the same opportunities that He has given believers. If you do not know already, here are a few wonderful gifts that He provides- opportunities to grow, helps find a purpose, gives unconditional love, supplies wisdom and understanding, gives strength when weak, grants grace and mercy, gives restoration, protects, provides a feeling of His presence, and gives everlasting life. Now, I know we can’t possibly provide all that He can, but we can certainly tell others about Him and His greatness and hope that His image will be revealed to others and make a difference in how they see themselves. So will you allow Him to turn your self-doubt into confidence and see yourself like he sees you- as beautiful?
“And have put on the new self, which is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created it”
Colossians 3:10
Chaplain Tracey Burns
Reflection Questions
When you look in the mirror do you think you reflect the image of God or the image of the world?
What methods will you use to seek the image of the Heavenly Father so that you will have confidence knowing you are renewed in His spirit?
Will you share your testimony to help others transform to the same image?
Bonus: Great song (if you are interested) when you look in the mirror what image do you reflect, do you see the “Image of God”