
  • Chick-fil-A Marketplace

    Go to and search for Chick-fil-A Marketplace for instructions on how to sign up for great deals and discounts

  • Gym Membership

    Head straight to Phaze 3, show them your name tag, and they will sign you up for a membership at no charge to you!

  • Team Member Appreciation Week

    A week at the end of July full of surprises, snacks, and experiences, culminating with a Team Member Family Picnic, all as a thank you for your hard work.

  • Corporate Chaplains

    Tracey Burns, our corporate chaplain, is here to help you! Please reach out if you would like to meet with her one-on-one. She is here to help!

  • Insurance Offered

  • Free Break Food

  • Scholarship Opportunities

    for those who qualify.