In my newsletter this week, I would like to talk about how we respond to others when they share information that may not be what we want to hear. The question is-when we receive these words, do we take in the words and digest them before responding or are we reactive and blurt out hurtful negative words in response? Do we intimidate others and shut them down because we have the “better than you” mentality or can we see others viewpoint and allow them to feel free to discuss them openly? Our reaction and response dictates how others perceive us. Likewise, our response also makes every bit of difference in how people relate to us. Our responses tell a story, it speaks volumes and shows people if we are those who exemplify integrity and good character or whether we are people who are perceived as those who are unapproachable and not worthy of being followed. I challenge you this week to re-evaluate your responses. Everyone needs to self reflect occasionally. Therefore, let’s all pause the next time we hear something that is not appealing before responding and remember that if Jesus can respond with grace and mercy to us, then shouldn’t we do the same? I love this quote by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who once said: “One day, we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means.”
With this said, is peace your end goal or is it conflict? Some of the words to the song that I am using today say this: “I don’t want to miss one word you speak, because everything you say is life to me”. Can you say that when people have conversations with you, that this is how they feel walking away? I guess what I am asking - do your words leave a lasting impression on those you engage on a daily basis. Do these words edify or tear down? Finally, do they give others a positive impression of who you are as a person? If not, then what area do you need to work on?
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:19-20
Chaplain Tracey Burns
Reflection Questions
⦁ Would you say people would classify you as approachable or non-approachable?
⦁ What kind of persona do you portray to others?
⦁ How will you change the way you respond to opposition going forward?
Bonus: Great song (if you are interested) - When you speak do others stop and say “I’m listening”