
In my newsletter this week, I would like to talk about the word value. When I think about the word, I am led to reflect on the things that I treasure and hold in high regards such as: my family, my mentors, my relationships with friends and of course my relationship with Christ. Would you say that most of you feel the same way about these topics? These areas, plus various others tend to be important because they generally make us feel good. But, if I were to ask you how you perceive yourself, would you say that you value your character? Is your opinion of yourself a positive or negative connotation? According to, the word value means-“to consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance” Now that you know the definition-do you see yourself as a person of value? Often times when people are struggling with life crisis, they have a hard time seeing that they have value. In fact, when people have challenges it can leave them feeling isolated, hopeless and having a low view of themselves. But why - because often times we let our self-talk define us? In addition, did you know that the lens you look through when evaluating others can also affect the way you see yourself? Psychology Today states, “Valuing others makes our self-value soar. It also carries substantial social reward; showing value tends to invoke reciprocity and cooperation. Devaluing others, though, causes reactivity and resistance. It makes us look for something to be cranky about, so the low-grade adrenaline can inflate our egos enough to get us through the day.” Futhermore, did you also know that the lens that we look through is different from the lens that God uses. Google says: “He sees us as beloved. When he looks at us He sees Jesus. Because of this, His thoughts toward you are thoughts of loving-kindness, forgiveness, blessings and favor.” For this reason we recognize that He created us with a purpose and we always have value in His eyes. With this said, how do you see yourself, as a person who is valuable or as one who is unimportant?

Even the hairs on your head are all counted. Don’t be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.
Luke 12:7

Chaplain Tracey Burns

Reflection Questions

⦁ What opinions do you have about yourself, and others?

⦁ Do you let self talk influence the way you feel about yourself?

⦁ Who would you say defines yourself or God?

⦁ How will you change your mind set to see yourself as God does?

Bonus: Great song (if you are interested) - Are you valuable-yes, because you are “beloved”




Memorial Day