In the Wilderness

In my Newsletter this week, I would like to ask how many of you like to be in the wilderness? For me, I love to escape into His creation and get away from the busyness of life.As a child, I grew up going to the lake with my dad and brother. I will have to say I learned so much while being there. Though the lakes in Nebraska are not like Alabama lakes, they are still a place I felt connected too. During this time, we always went camping because it didn’t cost much and it brought so many great memories as we were able to take ourselves out of our normal routine and engaged in a much quieter environment to draw closer to each other and to God.Looking back, I now see why we went often. See, my dad used this time for our family to heal from a divorce between my parents. He knew that by being in nature and seeing the beauty of God’s creation, would give us a sense of connection to encounter the Lord. He was spot on because this is where I had intimate conversations with God and I always remember feeling His Presence as He assured me that I could find refuge in Him and everything was going to be okay. Similarly, when we look at the Bible there are many people who experienced deliverance in the wilderness as well. These people include: Moses and the Israelites (40 Years), Job, Joseph and Jesus. Though each person’s circumstances were not alike, they each went through moments where their faith was tested. At times, I am sure they had fears and concerns just like I did. However, I want us to note that through these obstacles, our heavenly Father used the wilderness as a place to teach these people about faith and trust while healing them through their crisis. Though they may have wondered if He was still there, and questioned whether He would help them, we can clearly see in Scripture that He never left them. Just like His word says: He was supplying all their needs in the midst of chaos. Have you ever felt like this (going from one crisis to another)? Have you ever cried out and asked-where are you God? My friend, let me encourage you! He has never left or forsaken you. He is still walking you through the trials so that when you come out of the wilderness, you will be stronger,restored and will be able to use your story for His glory. You see, when we face turmoil, He has already gone before us to prepare our path ahead. He is reaching out His hand to lift us out of the ruble so we to can get to the Promise Land. Will you extend your arm and allow Him to pull you up?

Give thanks to him who led his people through the wilderness. His faithful love endures forever.

Psalms 136:16

Chaplain Tracey Burns

Reflection Questions:

  • Have you ever felt like you were or are currently in the wilderness?

  • Do you trust him to lead the way or do you try and take your own path?

  • What will it take for you to extend your arm and trust him to restore you?

Bonus: Great song (if you are interested) - It is so easy to say “Look Where I am Standing Now” when we have made it to the Promise Land.




Act of Love