The Importance of Training
In my newsletter, I would like to talk about the importance of training. During the time you are reading this article, I am on a plane flying to Raleigh, North Carolina to embrace a week-long opportunity of training. Now for some, you may not think this is important. However, for me and my fellow Chaplains at Corporate Chaplains of America, we believe that the investment makes a huge difference and impact. You may ask how? Well, the classes that we are able to attend are beneficial and they help sharpen our tools and gives us additional resources. Training allows us to gain more knowledge to help others as we go into our mission fields and serve the employees. According to Google, “the idea has proven that training grows our knowledge base and improves our job skills.” states it best: “training is the wealth of wisdom that is shared, because it enhances the employee’s engagement to driving workplace productivity so the job is done more efficiently.” Thus, training also improves company culture making it a better environment for those who work there. Much like the training that is required for our jobs, we also have been commanded to train ourselves through God’s Word. If we train our minds and are proactive in reading Scripture, then it will be easier to remain focused on the eternal teachings instead of the temporal teachings. By staying focused on the Word of God and not on the word of man, our direction will hopefully lead us to a more satisfied Godly life. Training our minds will guide us to change our character and behaviors so our lives will look more like Jesus which helps us to grow. For this reason, is why I feel very strongly about being a lifelong learner. No matter what stage of life you are in, the more wisdom you gain the better you are able to deal with life. So, will you join me and commit to being a lifelong learner and train yourself in the Word? The choice is yours!
Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly. “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”
1 Timothy 4:7-8
Chaplain Tracey Burns
Reflection Questions:
How do you view the importance of training and being a lifelong learner?
Do you allow yourself to be challenged even when the content you are learning is unfamiliar?
What steps can you take to increase your wisdom?
Will you allow the Word of God to penetrate your heart so He can transform your life?
Bonus: Great song (if you are interested) - That you can’t lose if you keep “Learning.” This is why we need to continue training ourselves daily.