In my article this week I am going to focus on the word “faith”. Now some people have faith and others lack it. The definition in Google states to have faith; one must have complete trust or confidence in someone or something. But is this always easy to do? Are we able to give up control in order to achieve the trust and confidence that it takes to have faith? I would have to say for most-the idea is hard to do, and it is not easy to let go fully to allow someone or something to control us or our situation. Why do you think people hesitate in this case? Is it that they think they know best? I believe it’s because we don’t always know the outcome and are generally fearful because we are not the one in control. When we can’t see the future or what it entails, the default is to try to control the outcome. But what would happen if we don’t have to do this and knew for certain that there was someone else (Jesus), who does know the future plans for all of our lives? Would we then turn to Him and allow Him to guide us? Let’s look at an example of how the scenario could be similar. For instance, when we were children, we counted on our parents most of the time to lead, guide and direct us while knowing they were providing a safe environment. We put our faith in their ability to choose for us the right direction that would set us up for a better life. Most of us knew then that their intentions were to give us the best start that we could possibly have while experiencing a feeling of security. Well Jesus does the same for us and even more. He is the Heavenly Father and is a God who is all knowing and can give us the best start if we will just put our faith and trust in him. His ways are not ours and therefore, he can see things ahead in our future that may or may not benefit us. For this is the reason why we must increase our faith and allow him to lead the way. With this said, are you ready to be faithful?
Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.
Hebrews 11:1
Chaplain Tracey Burns
Reflection Questions
1. Are you someone who has a tendency to control everything?
2. How can you overcome your fear and increase your faith?
3. What will it take for you to trust a higher power to lead, guide and direct you?
4. Will you put your faith in someone else other than yourself and allow the heavenly Father to work on your behalf?
Bonus: Great song (if you are interested), are you willing to let go and “stand in faith”.