Today, my article will focus on the word grief. Grief is when people have experienced a deep sorrow through loss. Grief can come as a result of a death of a loved one, a broken marriage, an unexpected job loss, miscarriage or even something hoped for but it does not come to fruition. All these things can bring a person to have a feeling of suffering and pain while allowing anger and a distrust to take root in the heart. These feelings are common among those who are going through a crisis. Similarly, it can also allow the sufferer to distance from God as well as question him. When I think about the story of Job in the Bible, it is clear that from what he experienced with loss (his livestock, and his children) that he could have turned his back on God and blame him during his grief- but he did not. Instead, Job drew closer in his despair and leaned on God’s strength rather than his own. He never once sinned against God even in his darkest days. Through all these trials, Job’s wife even encouraged him to curse God, but he remained faithful. Job actually said: “Should we accept only the good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?” In light of all Job’s afflictions, he remained dedicated to God, he never wavered. However, he did demonstrate a fleshly side when he was in misery and wanted to die rather than go through the pain. Likewise, we see a need for support; Job’s friends came to his rescue and walked alongside him in his most difficult days. Despite his trials, Job’s strength remained relentless. However, I am not sure everyone who has experienced similar tragedies can follow his example. Though we would like to think those who suffer would not be bitter towards God, the truth of the matter is- it happens regularly. But let me encourage you if you are going through a crisis; remember it is much easier to rely on the strength of someone else who is all powerful (God), than ourselves. When we encounter challenging times, as hard as it is, this is when He teaches us the most. Though it is never easy to go through these types of storms, we need to remember we are never alone. So will you be like Job and remain faithful in your darkest moments? Will you find strength in the Heavenly Father?
When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.
Psalms 34:17-20
Chaplain Tracey Burns
Reflection Questions
1. Are you someone who currently going through some type of grief?
2. What will it take to move to the next step to make sure you reach your goal to heal?
3. Do you need the strength of someone much bigger than you?
4. At what point will you call on Him to carry your burdens?
Bonus: Great song (if you are interested), during grief remember “You’re gonna be ok”.