Exciting Expectations
In my newsletter this week I would like to ask you if you have ever been told of an exciting event that was about to take place that you had been anticipating for a long time. Would your immediate response be to run to the place where it was and see or would you ignore the notice and disregard the announcement? Most people when they are told something exciting will jump at the chance to see it firsthand, especially if they know it will bring them joy! The idea is similar to when people hear anannouncement of a new baby being born into the family. Going to see the baby at the hospital or home is a top priority. Babies typically give people joy and it’s a celebration that most families want to proclaim because they have anticipated the new addition for 9 months. Much the same, there is another story in the Bible (Luke 2) that announces a baby (Jesus) that had been anticipated and one that will forever change the world. Through this story, I have been asked multiple questions, one being- why did Jesus have to come to earth as a baby? My answer always communicates: so he would fulfill the prophetic message and show humanity that he was fully human and holy. He was not only the Messiah, but “The Chosen One” that people had heard about for thousands of years. So what makes him different? David Jeremiah says it best: “Jesus is the one like no other, for he was fully human and fully divine—simultaneously. Nothing about his humanity could detract from his godliness; nothing about his godliness could detract from his humanity. Only because this is true can he reconcile the Father in heaven with his children on earth. He is the Man of both worlds; he is the bridge by which God comes to earth and people come to heaven.” So when you are celebrating Christmas this season, will you turn your attention from the gifts of others and recognize the gift Jesus gives- forgiveness and eternal life?
And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
Luke 2:12-14
Chaplain Tracey Burns
Reflection Questions
1. What announcement have you heard recently that brings you joy?
2. Does this specific announcement provide eternal benefits?
3. How will this announcement make a difference in you and in the world?
Bonus: Great song (if you are interested listen to this and ask), Be sure to see- “Behold”