Walking Towards Eternity
In my newsletter this week, I would like to talk about the benefits of walking. Now to be honest, I am not a person who really enjoys exercise. Thus, is the reason I don’t go to the gym everyday like some people. However, I know the importance of having some kind of exercise as it holds numerous perks to increase the overall health of our bodies and it is necessary to build our core. For this reason is why I would say for me, walking is my go to when I want to exercise. Though it is not as strenuous as lifting weights, it does have a ton of benefits. You may say, like what? Prevention.com states: “one of the most powerful ways to maintain a healthy weight, keep your joints strong, and live longer is also one of the simplest, no matter your age. The health benefits of walking are endless, and experts agree by adding walking to your daily routine, you can greatly improve your physical and mental health. Walking not only improves our mood, but it burns calories, improves heart health, reduces chronic disease, reduces stress, improves sleep, boosts brain power, stimulates digestive system, kick-starts the immune system, and protects our bones.” Much the same, when we think about walking in the knowledge of the Lord, we reap similar benefits as well. These benefits include: strengthening our bodies, refreshing our minds, transforming our hearts, and saving our souls. In addition, by choosing to walk in His steps, we are also increasing our endurance, as well as growing in His wisdom. As noted, there are many benefits when we walk both physically and spiritually. However, when we surrender our lives to Jesus and walk close to Him, we are choosing to secure our place eternally. The benefits are endless and provide numerous rewards in heaven. With this said, though it is important to walk physically it is even more important to walk eternally. Therefore, will you exercise your right to walk with him?
so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, so that you may have great endurance and patience, joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the saints’ inheritance in the light.
Colossians 1:10-12
Chaplain Tracey Burns
Reflection Questions:
What benefits do you see when you walk in the knowledge of the Lord?
Are you being intentional and letting him refine you in your daily devotional time?
Do you know that your eternal destiny is secured?
Bonus: Great song (if you are interested) - when asked-how will you walk? Your response should be “I Will Follow”