Labor Day

In my newsletter this week, I will be speaking about the word labor since today we celebrate the holiday-Labor Day. Do you know why we celebrate? Many may not have a good understanding of why the nation takes a day off from work to observe this day, so let me provide you with a bit of history to explain. According to Google, “the holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.” “Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers.” So basically it is to celebrate workers and their efforts and the contributions they make to this great nation-how awesome. But while workers are being celebrated, how would you classify your work ethic as an employee? Can you say you go all in and do everything it takes to accomplish the goal or are you one who gives little effort just to collect a paycheck? For some, these questions may be hard to answer. But, hopefully for most, dedicated employees go all in. Whatever category you may fall in, I want to encourage you to re-think the way you look at your job and work day because we can always do better-right? My challenge will hopefully lead you to look at the opportunities in front of you differently going forward. For this reason, I want you to ask yourself when you approach your day, do you keep in mind who you are representing (God, yourself and of course the company at which you work)? Though we try to do our best, sometimes we fall short at times. However, we can change our patterns by keeping our eyes on Him and finish the race well. The thought, brings to mind a song that I love so much! Have you ever heard the song Way Maker and listened to the words? My favorite words in the song make me want to emulate the work ethic of Jesus. The lyrics state: “Even when I don’t see it you’re working, even when I don’t feel it you’re working, you never stop, you never stop working.” These words remind us that not only are we working hard, but He is too. See, the Heavenly Father is always working on our behalf, so we must do the same with excellence because he is worthy to be honored. Therefore, the next time you go to your job, be intentional and work hard so you can be among those who are being celebrated on Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

Colossians 3:23

Chaplain Tracey Burns

Reflection Questions

1. Would your boss say you are set apart and are a great worker?

2. When you speak to others do you say “I get to” go to work or “I have to” go to work?

3. What goals do you set throughout the year that will honor the Heavenly Father when you go to work?

Bonus: Great song (if you are interested), Will you let him be your? “Way maker”.


Secret Sin

