“I don’t know if God is real…”
In my newsletter this week, I would like to discuss the idea that I often hear from many who say “I don’t know if God is real because I do not ever hear or feel anything when I pray. Let’s think back to when we were young and our Father told us to do something. We either did one or two things- listened and obeyed or had selective hearing which led to discipline and typically followed up with the words “I didn’t hear you”. Whatever the case, the whole point is we had a choice to actively listen to our Father’s voice, obey him and follow through with what he was asking us to do. We can even go a step further by saying that when he spoke, we were able to recognize his voice but sometimes we disregarded his presence. Similarly, that’s what some people do today with Jesus because there is a lack of trust and fellowship. With this said, I would like to share a story from the book of John (8:31-47) that is similar to this concept. Here, we see that Jesus is telling the people that they are not listening to him and therefore, they do not understand what he is saying because they chose to shut him down and refuse to believe him. In fact, many times his character was tested. The NLT Bible states: “He welcomed those who wanted to challenge his claim and character as long as they were willing to follow through on what they discovered. Jesus’ challenge clarifies the two most frequent reasons that people miss when encountering him (1) They never accept his challenge to test him or (2) They test him but are not willing to believe what they discover.” Have we also made these same mistakes? My challenge this week is to remember the quote from AW Tozer - “The one who does not expect God to speak will discount every single time that God does speak.” What a powerful statement! Why do we refuse to listen and believe? Do we think that we know better than God? Do we choose to have selective hearing and shut out his voice or do we listen and obey like when we were young? The choice is ours, how will you respond?
Anyone who belongs to God listens gladly to the words of God. But you don’t listen because you don’t belong to God.”
John 8:47
Chaplain Tracey Burns
Reflection Questions
1. Who will you listen to Jesus or yourself?
2. What distraction keeps you from hearing His voice?
3. When will you listen to him and discover the purpose he has for your life?
4. How will you make time for him in order to hear from him daily?
Bonus: Great song (if you are interested), whose voice do you want to hear- I want to listen to “the sound of your voice “Lord.