Eyes on the Road

Today in my newsletter I would like to share a story of something that happened to me. As I was driving my grand-daughter to school this morning, there was a wreck that happened right after I dropped her off at school. After seeing the results, the impact of the wreck would clearly change the time I would get back home. During my time waiting to merge, I saw ahead that there were multiple cars involved and because of it, I noticed that the traffic had significantly slowed down. I knew with what I could see that the situation would increase my time in the car because the flow had led everyone to come to a complete stop. As I looked further down the road, I could see the blue lights and a few police officers who were directing the drivers. The two lane road had shifted to one lane which only provided a very narrow path for drivers to barely pass by and get to their final destination. In addition to the wreck, I was able to witness the car directly in front of me that veered off the road and went into a ditch because he was not paying attention. Even though nobody was hurt, his path still changed because he was distracted. When he finally refocused and was persistent, he was able to work his way out of the ditch and complete his journey. However, it was a good reminder that this scenario is very similar to our lives when we take our eyes off the road that God has defined for us. We too can experience a wreck as well as chaos that can prohibit us from moving forward. We may also need someone to guide us back to the safer lane so we can reach our final destination. However, we must trust the plan that is put in place. So how do we stay on the straight and narrow? Let’s look what Donna Burns says: “Enter the narrow gate. It’s a command to take urgent action. The gate Jesus invites us to choose is narrow and the road is

straight. It’s difficult and takes determination, but it is life. God provides us a way in, through Jesus. It is accessible. Our life depends on these choices. The kingdom of God living through us on earth depends on our decisions. We can do this, together, with Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit.”

So how will you travel?

“Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate! The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide enough for all the multitudes who choose its easy way.    But the Gateway to Life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it.

Matthew 7:13-14

Chaplain Tracey Burns

Reflection Questions

1. What distraction keeps you from keeping your eyes on road?

2. When you think about the road you want to travel, does it include an eternal destination?

3. What plans have you put in place to secure your home?

Bonus: Great song (if you are interested listen to this and ask), who will you follow on the “Desert Road”



Spiritual Warfare


“I don’t know if God is real…”